2019-03-17: Walker Canyon 2019 flowers - 삿갓
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일요일 산행 참석치 못해 오랜만에 글로 뵙습니다.
어제 오전에 들린 Walker Canyon Trail 사진들 share합니다.
Nice colors
showed up after few hundred yards from the trailhead; this shot was taken in
returning walk back on 11:00AM.
Parked my car in Temescal Rd, that is 0.3miles
before the trailhead even in early morning of 8:00AM.
Somehow, color was more vivid in the shadow at about
8:30AM. This shot was same area of the previous photo, as comparison of
The 1st impression of poppies which was about to waking up at
morning shine.
Filaree among poppy field.
Erodium cicutarium (Geraniaceae), commonly known as Redstem
filaree, Common stork\'s-bill.
It was exciting to see that a cool morning sun shined
thru the petals of them.
Phacelia campanularia (Boraginaceae(물망초과)),
as known as Canterbury bell.
Bird-eye gilia was \"really\" hiding in the
highest peak area of the canyon at the occasional but strong breeze.
Gilia tricolor (Polemoniaceae (Phlox family)), common name is
Saltugilia (Polemoniaceae, phlox family), aka Splendid gilia.
Nice collection of variety for goodies in rocky summit.
Dichelostemma capitatum (asparagaceae),
aka Blue dicks.
Also, wishbone bushes were abundant in
such dry/rocky area.
Mirabilis laevis (Nyctaginaceae(분꽃과)) , known as Wishbone bush
or Four O\'clock flower.
A view towards the trailhead nearby 15 freeway from relatively rugged hill.
Chia added an unexpected flavor of such heavy
violet colors which contrasted against strong poppy\'s yellowish red petals in
the field.Salvia hispanica (Lamiaceae, 박하과), known as Chia.
Bright sun ray sears thru the Four O\'clock flowers.
Mirabilis laevis (Nyctaginaceae), also known as Wishbone bush.
Mesmerized at such a contrast colors even
with popular species like lupine in this environment.
Lupinus excubitus (Fabaceae(콩과)), Lupine.
One of my all time favorites is back for this season...
Nemophila menziesii (Boraginaceae(물망초과)), as commonly known as Baby blue eyes
Another guy who gave me a severe(^_^)
back pain.
Not easy to take a shot at it. Bright/strong yellow color with such round shape and size were blamed to such stealthness.
Lotus corniculatus (Fabaceae, 콩과), commonly known as Bird-foot-trefoil.
A tiny/tiny ones.
Claytonia perfoliata (Montiaceae), aka Miner\'s lettuce.
A friend of phacelia quietly resides in shady curb of trail.
Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia (Boraginaceae(물망초과)), aka Spotted hideseed.
Reminded me a sweet vanilla ice cream all day after encountered this guy again after a year.
Platystemon californicus (Papaveraceae), aka Cream Cups.
A view again at the end of hike.
Suncups in suny muddy hills.
A short break at the one of the rocky hillside.
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